Our partners
Areas of focus
Human Rights & Labour rights
Trauma recovery & shelter
Human Trafficking Prevention
General & reproductive health
Child Labour Prevention
Migrant Education
Funders, Grantors & Investors in LPN
LPN is an expert frontline organisation for investigating and preventing human rights abuse at land or at sea. We are grateful for the generous support we receive from our grantors, investors and network of partners that rely on on-the-ground partners to help fulfill their mission and goals. With their support, we are transforming the lives of thousands of at-risk migrants by making migration safer, empowering them with legal support and rights advocacy, and helping to bring human rights abusers to justice. More information about our key donors can be found below. Some donors choose to support our work anonymously and are not featured on this page, but nevertheless have our deep gratitude.

U.S. State Department - JTIP
Anti-trafficking and victim assistance
2016 - 2019
The United States Department of State issues an annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, which is the world's most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts. This report is the U.S. Government's principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. To conduct its thorough research, the US State Department relies on local activists and frontline defenders of human rights issues like LPN. In 2017, 4 out of the 6 cases alluded to in the US TIP Report were referred to the government by LPN.

Plan International
Stopping Exploitation through Accessible services
2015 - 2018
Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children's rights and equality for girls. They work towards a just world, working together with children and young people to promote free, equal access to quality education for all children - from early learning to secondary education - in over 75 countries. Plan works with organizations like LPN to help marginalized migrant communities have access to safe and high quality education for their children.

The Freedom Fund
Thailand Hotspot Project
2015 - 2018
The Freedom Fund is a leader in the global movement to end modern slavery. They identify and invest in the most effective frontline efforts to eradicate modern slavery in the countries and sectors where it is most prevalent. Partnering with visionary investors, governments, anti-slavery organisations and those at risk of exploitation, they tackle the systems that allow slavery to persist and thrive. Freedom Fund works with organizations like LPN to protect vulnerable populations and communities, serve hard-to-reach populations, liberate and reintegrate victims of slavery, and provide post-rescue shelter, trauma care and social services.

GVC Italy
MIG-RIGHTS: Supporting & Advocating for Cambodian
Migrants' Rights in Thailand
2017 - 2020
WeWorld-GVC is an Italian independent organisation formed to strengthen human rights in nearly 30 countries. Children, women and youth, actors of change in every community, are the protagonists of WeWorld-GVC projects and campaigns in the following fields of intervention: human rights (gender equality, prevention and contrast of violence against women and children, migrations), humanitarian aid (prevention, aid and reconstruction), food security, water and sanitation, health, education and learning, socio-economic development, environmental protection, global citizenship education and international volunteering.

Safe Child Thailand
Safety, security and equal access to education for at-risk children
2017 - 2018
Safe Child Thailand's mission is to identify and safeguard at-risk children in Thailand and empower them to reach their fullest potential. They partner with bold Thai organisations like LPN to ensure all Thai children have access to quality education, adequate food and shelter, a life free from discrimination and exploitation. LPN has developed highly effective programs to rescue and shelter children from domestic and sexual abuse, and provide quality education to migrant communities.

Ashoka Foundation
Protection & Education for migrant children and child labourers
2016 -2017
Ashoka builds and cultivates a community of change leaders who see that the world now requires everyone to be a change-maker. Together, they collaborate to transform institutions and cultures worldwide to support change-making for the good of society. Ashoka is especially interested in outstanding leaders with the potential to transform disadvantaged or rescued victims into advocates for their own and other's empowerment.

Embassy of Japan
Peaceful relations between Thailand and Japan
2017 -2018
The Embassy will try its best to continue to promote cooperation in the political, security, economic, and international spheres and indeed contribute to the development of this whole region through the deepening of the amicable relationships between Japan and Thailand and between Japan and ASEAN.
Extended LPN Network
LPN believes that migrant populations can transform their vulnerability into a strength by forming networks, sharing information, helping one another and acting collectively. Over the years we have seen the power of community-building, and have mentored and supported the launch of several community-based organizations. These are some of the networks that have spun out of LPN, or have been mentored by LPN's leadership.

Thai & Migrant Fishers Union Group
Fishers rights and advocacy network
Formerly known as the Thai & Migrant Fisherman's Union Group, the Fisherman Labour Group is led and run by rescued victims of slave labor at sea. It is the first organization in Thailand that combines Thai and migrant fishermen into a trusted community where they can share their experiences and stories. These stories form powerful evidence to help advocate for just operations, better fishing policies, and humane working conditions. The group is also an important tool for empowerment as it provides returned fishermen with the opportunity to conduct their own operations and regain the sense of autonomy and agency they lost as trafficking victims. We are currently working to turn this informal group into a formally registered worker union, with the power to advocate on behalf of former, existing and future fishermen in Thailand.

Supply chain innovation & in-port fishermen services
The MAST (Multi-stakeholder Initiative for Accountable Supply Chain of Thai Fisheries) was established in March 2016 at Washington DC by LPN and Bangkok legal advocacy group TLCS, along with partners in the US. MAST is an ambitious initiative to address the root cause of human trafficking and IUU fishing in the Southeast Asia fishing sector with a constructive approach.
MAST's immediate goals include the establishment of fishermen drop in centers at major ports to provide shelter, food, and first aid, communication with families, legal advice and grievance mechanisms to fishermen; a legal clinic specializing in cases of fishermen abuse, and the strengthening of public awareness of migrant workers’ living conditions. In the long term, MAST will demand improvements to government regulation and monitoring of fishing vessels of all sizes and pursue the adoption of better vessel monitoring technology (Pelagic data systems) which can detect suspicious activity on fishing vessels.

To report a case, request assistance, get information on labor
laws or government registration process, get in touch directly.
We speak Thai, Khmer, Lao & Burmese.